MLP:FIM How to Fit Three Seasons into One Year

This is my first ever post on WordPress, and also my first attempt at anything to do with MLP that doesn’t involve leaving the odd comment on a YouTube video or some other person’s review. Making this account was even accidental, since I was attempting to sign up via my phone in order to comment on a review by MrAwkwardReviwer and ended up with a blog account instead of just a commenting account.

Anyways, that’s enough excuses from me, let’s get into the meat of this article.

I came to MLP quite recently, this past September to be exact, but as I was binging on S1 through S3 I always wondered about the timeline, especially when you take into account certain ponies referring to ‘moons’ as a measurement of a length of time. There’s also the growth of the younger ponies, if one season equals a year then why haven’t the CMC grown in that time?

Then ‘Princess Twilight Sparkle’ happened and from the way Celestia talks about looking forward to the Summer Sun Celebration for the first time seemed to imply that it had only been a year since Luna’s return. Of course there’s argument to suggest that it hasn’t been just a year, just that this is the first time since Luna’s return that she would be taking part in the festival, after all there’s autumn based and winter based episodes in both S1 and S2. Continue reading